ASANDA PHEWA | Enter The Maids

Enter the Maids performed at the Central Methodist Mission Church on Greenmarket Square in late November 2010.

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Presented in partnership with GIPCA and The Baxter Theatre Centre
Performed at Central Methodist Mission Church, Greenmarket Square
An interjection of Jean Genet's The Maids
Directed, Adapted and with written extracts by Asanda Phewa
Designed by Illka Louw
Choreography by Jackie Maanyapelo
Lyrics and song arrangement by Jill Levenberg
Performed by Jill Levenburg and Chuma Sopotela
Poster Design by Yusri

Enter the Maids is an interwoven adaption of Jean Genet’s play The Maids with Asanda's own Under the Pigeon Coop, written under the mentorship of Nadia Davids.

Phewa says about her production: “I think that Jean Genet’s play, The Maids is a great choice for me. I’ve been dying to work on it and a lot of my inspiration for Under the pigeon coop came from it.” Enter The Maids, an interjection of Jean Genet’s 1952 play The Maids, is a dark and mysterious piece of theatre tackles hard issues of identity, slavery, womanhood and sexuality, and challenges the boxes that society so often is comfortable leaving untouched. While slavery brought about some of the most atrocious acts against humanity, it also brought Christianity and a whole Diaspora of people that we otherwise might not have had. 

