Fragile performed at Theatre Arts in May 2012. Thereafter it travelled to the National Arts Festival and performed on the fringe.
The following year Nicola was awarded the Standard Bank Young Artist for Dance.

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Presented in partnership with Distell, The Baxter Theatre and GIPCA
Conceived and directed by Nicola Elliott in collaboration with the cast
Performed by Jori Snell, Thabiso Pule, Lucy Kruger and Louise Elliott
Stage Design by Illka Louw and Nicola Elliott
Costume Design by Illka Louw
Lighting Design & Stage Managed by Matthew Cook
Music: Extracts from “Concerto op.7 no.11” by Giuseppe Valentini and “Sento Nel Core” by Alessandro Scarlatti
Mentored by Caroline Calburn
Poster Design by Warren Turner
Photos by Dex Goodman

Exploring the notion of change - change that happens gradually, change that happens suddenly and change that happens in gusts – Fragile is both surreal and pedestrian, a hint at the emotional remove and physical onslaught that existing within change creates. At the heart of Fragile is the idea that our grip on the world and our existence in it is tenuous: that we are most fragile when we are in a state in which irrevocable change can occur. Through darkness there is levity, through devastation there is humour, through stability there is change.

Rehearsal Footage
Performance Footage

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Nicola Elliot's Fragile - photo by Dex Goodman-164.JPG

Nicola Elliot's Fragile - photo by Dex Goodman-338.JPG

Nicola Elliot's Fragile - photo by Dex Goodman-107.JPG